Posts Tagged: Sun Hydraulics

Sun Hydraulics Introduces FLeX Hydraulic Valves

Sun Hydraulics recently introduced their new line of FLeX hydraulic valves and coils.  The FLeX family features completely new high-performance solenoid operated valves designed for both the mobile and industrial markets. Features include: Consistently better pressure drop in a virtually leak-proof poppet-style valve Designed and tested to exceed 10-million-cycle operations Zinc-nickel plating standard (1000-hour salt fog) on… Read more »

Configure Hard-to-Reach Hydraulic Valves with a Smartphone

The Problem: Imagine the challenges of an offshore dredging operation: floating in a sea of corrosive liquid; isolated and basically self-contained; and with the hydraulic systems located in a dark, noisy, hot, cramped engine room far from the equipment it controls. These are conditions Woodworth “Woody” Draughon and Assistant Captain Scott Evans face while running… Read more »

Take the guesswork out of choosing load-holding valves

Hold the load at any stage. [media-credit name=”Sun Hydraulics” align=”alignright” width=”350″][/media-credit] In any load bearing hydraulic system there is a valve. In most cases, multiple valves to control the flow of fluid. Sun Hydraulics has made it easy to choose the proper load-holding valve. Is your requirement to simply lock a load? Do you need… Read more »

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